Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 14-A picture you love

Ok again I can't pick just one, but two! 

So the first is pretty self explanatory I think. Has two of my all time favorite things. Two of my best friends (yes, my dog is one of my best friends!). I'm so glad that our photographers, Brandy & Sticky Rammel (BrandyJ Photography), were definitely for having Gunner take some pictures with us (I never thought they wouldn't be though either lol). This is my little family, the beginning to a new chapter, the start to the rest of my life. I can't wait until October! 

This picture is one of those pictures that speaks 1000 words to me. TEM was/is a huge part of my life for many years. I made so many new friends, had so many new experiences, and ended up with a family of many amazing women. TEM wasn't just a bonding experience but a learning experience. I learned so much about myself while I was in TEM, thanks to several of the girls exposing me to new things & ideas. We were a very diverse group of girls yet we all had a common passion for our sorority - that pull alone brought us together in a way that I would have never expected. I love the years I spent in that house and would never trade one memory that I've made with any of those girls :) United Together Sisters Forever.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Love those pictures! Good choices :)

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